Monday, January 3, 2022

A new little wiggle-thingy

 Hi Folks, 

Just playing around a little on a January day.  I've got a pile of projects taking up space on my table, so I thought I'd take a whack at one or two of them today.  This is the pile....

And here is the card I pulled out to play at:  

First- A look at the stuff I used just to keep things honest and above board.  That little bag over on the right from Simon Says Stamps, that's the thing that made me start to play today.  They call them Mini Springs.  They let you add a little wiggle to an element on your project.  As you can see, I'm putting a Halloween card together.  I've said this many times, there are no seasons in the craft cave.  Today, its Halloween! 


Here is the finished project.  I tried to get a shot to show the spring raising up the skelly head on the card front.  I took a little movie so you can hopefully see the BOING!! effect after you stick it all together.  Kind of fun and importantly, it squishes flat when you load it into the envelope so the post mangler may actually let your card arrive and pop out like it should.  I have not yet mailed one of these to myself as a test yet, but that's next.  Stay tuned...

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